Releasing an Unction

The Holy Spirit has placed on my heart that this is the season of the “Now Word”. So, daily and for every service, we seek God for the “Now Word”.  AGC is called to this season. Every church has a calling that it must walk in, but for us, this is what the Lord is saying: “Teach, Preach, and demonstrate the now word.”

So, yesterday, February 16th, 2021, The Holy Spirit brought forth a “Now Word” for our church congregation. Below is that Word:

I am releasing an unction of my Spirit upon the man (woman) that will incline themselves to Me. An unction that will help them hear and see another level of Me. An unction that will carry them through the days ahead. And with Me the days are not days of dread, but days of My Spirit flowing freely to those that will yield to the unction of the Spirit of the Lord.

Don’t turn from Me and My ways. I promise I will pull you through these days if you stand strong in the truth and listen to Me. You will be strengthened by Me, by My power, by My grace to finish what I’ve asked of you: Your race.

My unction’s will grow stronger day by day as you yield to me and learn to truly say:

“I am led by the Spirit in all I do, for the greater glory of You.”

The definition of the word unction in the Greek, is “a smearing on, a special endowment, an anointing.”

So, in other words, the Holy Spirit is saying to us that He is releasing an anointing on us to hear Him and be led by Him, BUT we must incline ourselves to Him. Then, He gives us the promise that as we incline unto Him, He will carry us through the days ahead. He will carry us through perilous times without any dread!!  

Glory to God!! I am thankful for this “now word” from the Lord! And I have a knowing, that as we do what He has brought forth, we will see and experience more of Him. As I daily incline to Him, I am believing that He will place a stronger unction on me and I will hear the Holy Spirit more clearly, every day! This promise is not just for me, it is for you! Take it! Receive it! Expect it! Walk in it, daily. Everything is done by faith. Inclining ourselves to the Holy Spirit is done by faith.

I am going to close with the scripture found in 1 John 2:20.

But ye have an unction from the Holy one, and ye know all things.

Love and Blessings to my church family! Praying for you all!

Pastor Candace

Em Schouten