Shield & Buckler

Good Afternoon AGC Family!!!

Just posting this blog to encourage you to keep standing on the Word of God. God has created His Word to be used as a tool in our “good fight of faith”. He created His Word for us to have knowledge, wisdom, and revelation to stand against the enemy. The Bible says that the Word of God is a shield and buckler. (Ps. 91)

When you look at a Roman soldier’s armor, you see these two pieces of equipment. Both pieces were used for a specific purpose. The shield was used to protect you - defensive purposes. The Buckler was used as a weapon thrusted forward - offensive purposes. 

In a football game, we have an offensive team and defensive team. The offensive team’s purpose is to score. The defensive team’s purpose is to keep the other team from scoring. This is the same with the Word of God. We can use His word to keep the enemy from “scoring” on us and we can use His Word to “score” things in our life from God and for God.

His Word is our Shield and Buckler! Our faith and confidence in the Word of God, when put to use, is a mighty tool against the enemy. So, get your shield up! Get your buckler up, and move forward in the things God is calling you to do! We are the army of God here on this earth. So, stand strong in God and His Word! Move forward in becoming who you already are in Him.

Praying for you daily.  

Love and Blessings!

Pastor Candace

Em Schouten