You Will Know the Truth

Good Afternoon, Church Family!

Over the last several weeks, we have heard a lot of the scripture, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Let’s take a look at some very important words in this scripture: know, truth, set, and free. When you put them in this order, it reveals a very elementary truth (almost like a two-year-old is saying it to you): if you know truth, you will be set free. I know all of us want to be set free of certain things in our lives. As we look closer at these four words, we will be able to see how being set free is possible.

Let’s look at the first word, know. The Hebrew definition of know carries the idea that you are “coming to.” In other words, you are making an effort to come to the Word of God. Not only are you coming to this place, but in coming to it, you are perceiving, understanding, and gaining a knowledge of something. You aren’t coming to this knowledge in a casual way, but you are becoming acquainted with this knowledge in an intimate way.

One of the definitions of intimacy is a close familiarity. For example, look at the intimacy between a husband and wife: a wife knows her husband’s voice, strengths, weaknesses, desires etc. It’s the same with the husband. This intimacy only comes about by spending time with each other. It’s the same way with God! To truly know God and His word, we must spend time with Him and His word. In spending time with Him every day, we begin perceiving who He is and understanding (gaining knowledge) about Him and His ways.

The next word is truth. This word has been preached over and over by Pastor Chip. Truth is the Word of God and what that Word says about any given situation. Truth is Jesus, the mediator and intercessor of this Word. The word of God that we put forth when we pray, decree, and declare are the very things Jesus intercedes for us with. These are also the things the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, helps us to bring forth. Truth equals word, word equals truth. 

Let’s move on to the next word, set. One of the definitions for set is to place into position so that you can start running a race. I loved this definition because, spiritually, we are all in a race for God. We all have a race to run for Him, but if we are bound by things in our lives, we are not able to run our race effectively. But, if we are set free, we can run!

The last word I want to talk to you about is free. I love this word! This word free is Jesus’s whole desire for us! That is why He did what He did. We are free from the power of the enemy the moment we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. We will no longer taste death. When we die, we just move to heaven without the sting of death. There are many freedoms that occur when we accept Him, but we must learn to walk in them. The definition of free is liberty! The definition of liberty is when one has the ability and power to do as one chooses without physical, mental, emotional restraints. Glory to God! God wants us to move in Him, through His word, without physical, mental or emotional restraints.

You mean to tell me, when you know (perceive, understand, and gain a knowledge of) the truth (the Word of God) on a close familiar level (developing daily intimacy with God and His word), you will be free to run your race without physical, mental, and emotional restraints?  I am ALL IN! I am all in on knowing the truth and letting the truth set me free!

My prayer for you today is that you will develop a relationship with the Truth and that Truth will set you free! 

P. Candace

Em Schouten