All In!

Dear Family and Friends, 

I felt led to send forth this blog after last Sunday’s message entitled All In. Pastor Chip preached a message that was so led by the Holy Spirit, and I am enclosing some quotes and information from his notes to begin this blog. (I would highly suggest you watch it online or through the app if you missed the service.)

The two words that were highlighted and brought forth were all in. What does that mean? It means to be fully consecrated to God. No self - no enthroning yourself. Not self-centric, but Christ-centric. It’s not about your desires and plans; it’s about God desires and plans coming forth and being sought by us daily. We are not asking God to follow us and our plans but for us to follow God and His plans.

Chip shared a “holy dare” that was set forth by a British revivalist over 120 years ago:.

 “The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.”

God is asking us today, “Will you be the one to be fully and wholly consecrated to Me?” You are one decision away from a different life in Him. It’s not a life of ease. God never promised us that serving Him would be easy. We live in a world that does not want to serve God and His ways; but He did promise peace, joy, health and prosperity even in the midst of the storm. God is asking us to consecrate ourselves in Him, and in return, He will provide a life in Him like we have never experienced before. Amazing things of God await you! Step in and let God be your ALL! Step in and be ALL IN! (Scripture: Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.)

You cannot do amazing things without being, ALL IN! When you look back on your life, your greatest moments always begin with consecration and always end with AMAZING. But! We do not seek the amazing: WE SEEK GOD, and the amazing comes.

Let us not be a church body that is in a place where we follow the rules but never follow Christ. Let us not be a church that buys in but never sells out for God. We must stay hungry for God. If you’re not hungry for God, then you become full of yourself. Anything less than the complete surrender of our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ is robbing God of the glory He demands and deserves. So, we choose to live our lives all in, thus bringing glory and honor to God.

Now, with this information in hand, let’s look at the Jewish calendar. This week begins Rosh Hashanah. What does Rosh Hashanah mean? It means “the head of the year.”  Our western calendar begins January 1st; but for the Jews, Monday, September 6th, began the new year. It is the time that the Jewish nation begins to “consecrate themselves to God, for the upcoming year. It is a day of prayer - a time to ask Almighty God to grant you a year of peace, prosperity, and blessings all the while consecrating yourself in Him. 

It is of no surprise that God brought forth the message All In during this time! God is a God of timing and purpose, and He has a purpose for this message being brought forth during a time (Rosh Hashanah) that God asks His family to consecrate themselves to Him. So, Family, let us determine to keep the message of All In alive in our hearts daily as we begin each new day consecrated to Him.

Love and Blessings,

P. Candace

Em Schouten