Receive the Blessings of God

Galatians 3:13-14

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree: that the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 

How do we receive the blessings of God in our life?
1. Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. (Christ has redeemed us)

2. Realize that we have a part to play in receiving the blessings. (might)

3. Activate the Spirit of Faith.

Join the family of God

First and foremost, the blessing must be brought forth by the acceptance of Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The Word of God tells us that as soon as we receive the salvation of the Lord, we receive the promise of the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit begins the operation of the blessings. God, in His great goodness and love, gave us Jesus. In that acceptance of Him, the blessing comes forth.

This part of the scripture brings forth this message: “hangeth on the tree, that the blessings might come upon us.” The word “might” brings forth the responsibility on us - we have a part to play.  We must accept Him.

Do our part

This leads us into the next observation of Galatians 3:13-14. Just as we have a part to play in accepting Jesus as our Lord, we have a part to play in walking in the blessings of God. Our first part is to believe. We must believe in this gift from God and receive the gift of the blessing. The Father has provided it and therefore, we reach out and take it. The second part is a lot like the first part, we must choose. When we choose the blessing, we receive the blessing. When we choose the curse, we reject the blessing and receive the curse. Choosing the right corresponding action, brings forth the blessings in our lives. When we choose love, we bring forth the blessing. When we choose hate, we bring forth the curse.  

Activate by faith

Lastly, we must activate the blessing by our faith. Faith brings the blessing forth into our lives. We choose the blessing by faith and continuing in the Spirit of faith, we grow daily in faith and the blessings of God. If we walk around speaking, by faith, “I am blessed” then we will eventually see the blessings unfold before us because we have given the Holy Spirit something to work with. We have set forth the Spirit of faith concerning the blessing. By the words of our mouth and the meditation of the heart, the Spirit of faith grabs hold of the blessings for us. 

So, Church Family, choose today to walk in the blessings of God. Realize that it belongs to you and then activate your faith, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring this forth. Choose the words and meditations of the heart that will keep you on the “path of the blessings.” Church family, I look forward to hearing the testimonies of God’s blessings in your life. I know this is coming to pass! Have a blessed week!

-Pastor Candace

Em Schouten